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Girafe Humour

Feb 6 2019 explore skyler8456 s board funny giraffe pictures on pinterest. Découvrez un sketche du nouveau spectacle de laura laune.

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A guy and his pet giraffe go into this bar ok and the guy says to the bartender 10 pitchers of beer 5 for me and 5 for my giraffe so later that night the giraffe passes out on the floor so the giraffe owner gets up to leave and the bartender says yo you cant just leave that lyen here and the giraffe owner says thats not a lion thats a giraffe. 2018 découvrez le tableau humor de jeannette8488 sur pinterest. These funny giraffe jokes and puns will make you any kid or adult laugh.

If you like these giraffe jokes have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics. Giraffe tongues are dark blueish in colour which is thought to be a form of sun protection. How do giraffes give birth.

Giraffe tongues and lips are tough and specially adapted to allow giraffes to forage on trees that other animals would avoid such as acacias which are very thorny. Laura laune 2 930 747 views. And you can have a joke like these delivered on the hour every hour now by following us on twitter or liking us on facebook.

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